Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Origami: Menger Sponge using Penultimate modules

I saw this and wanted to build my own.
The site didn't have instructions but it had some pointers:

1) The structure is called Menger Sponge.
I like this and initially wanted to build a level 2 or 3 version.

2) The modules are called penultimate module done by Robert Neale.
This site has a very good intro. This page, within that same site, has very good info about how to build the square version of the penultimate module which when assembled together makes a cube.
When I started building this module, I felt that it was too much trouble to start with a 4:3 ratio rectangular sized paper because all the origami paper I had were squares, 150x150mm to be exact. I also didn't like that I had to cut the ends so I left it. As I put the modules together my changes didn't affect the cube at all so I went with my changes.

After a few cubes, I finally decided to build the sponge based on that one picture I saw. :)

Starting out...

This reminds me of the Death Star from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi but I call it the Death Cube. :)

Almost done...


Another angle:

I had a good time building this and enjoyed figuring it out. My wife also helped me a lot folding the modules as I assembled it.

I've managed to make two Menger sponges, using the Sonobe unit and the Jackson cube, but I'm stuck with the Penultimate modules.

Part of the problem is that there is so little information about how to make them (the only explicit instructions are for the 60 degree units), and vague things like "cut to remove excess paper" with no guiding lines. I'm guessing how the units fit together to make the sponge, but I'm not sure at all, particularly on the inner bits where regular modules don't fit.

I'd be grateful if you could share your adjustments, and any advice you have in constructing the cube, I'd really like to make this version.
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