Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hannibal by chance

On Friday August 29, 2008, I was driving my wife to a local bakery so that she can pick up a birthday cake for my cousins. On the sidewalk in front of my parked car, I saw a box. I looked inside and saw a hardcover book titled "Hannibal". I immediately thought, "Wow! What a good find!" I started having flashbacks of the movie as I saw it in the theaters. I kept thinking about the terrible brain scene. I picked up the book and read the flaps. My wife finally came out of the bakery with the cake. I took the book with me and started thinking about finishing the book on the same day.

Unfortunately I have not finished the book but as of Sunday I am about a third of the way through and have nearly 200 more pages to go through.

So far the book is intriguing yet disgusting but there are some technical parts that confuse me. There is heavy usage of fragmented sentences. The book is written from the third person perspective but when the fragmented sentences appear I think the author is trying to convey the exact thoughts and visuals the third person's mind is forming. Another technical part is the usage of the Italian language. I can only follow the characters' names. Everything else I don't have any context or understanding.

Back to finishing the book...

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